Use "meditate|meditated|meditates|meditating" in a sentence

1. What, are you meditating?

2. Meditate Appreciatively

3. Do you exercise, bathe, meditate?

4. He meditated resentfully on the physical texture of life.

5. Anchorless and fuzzed Llewellyn Anagrammatized her foozlings or meditates anyway

6. Additionally, many believers find meditating on Benedictions during

7. This article is about the meditating Baboon spirit

8. The more study material the student reads and meditates on, the better.

9. This involves hard work —reading, studying, and meditating.

10. To meditate on; ponder: Chew a problem over

11. I meditate in order to relax.

12. I used to meditate on George Bush.

13. “The heart of the righteous one meditates,” says the wise man.

14. To cogitate; meditate: Chewed on the difficulties ahead

15. If she “meditates before answering,” she will carefully choose her words and not speak hastily.

16. And he meditated for three years and he did not see the future Buddha Maitreya.

17. 28 She sat quietly,( meditating on the day's events.

18. The ancient Asura were deities invoked by warriors while they meditated to soothe the violence within

19. You need to meditate, or think deeply, about them.

20. Meditate at the same place and same time everyday.

21. No doubt, meditating appreciatively on such things strengthened Abel’s faith.

22. Why do we need to meditate on admonition from God?

23. Ohm. Ohm getting tired of meditating, but I think it's working.

24. Jody Williams called it: It's good to meditate.

25. Can hardened criminals meditate their way to a better future?

26. Meditating Buddha Statue Buddhism Zen Peace Relax Calming Faux Stone Fiberglass

27. Cogitative definition, meditating; contemplating: The Cogitative faculty distinguishes humans from animals

28. Instead of meditating on your sins...... you are still harming humans!

29. (Genesis 24:63-67) The psalmist David ‘meditated on God during the night watches.’

30. I tried to meditate to stimulate my faith but gave up.

31. Within your temple, O God, we meditate on your unfailing love.

32. Bloodwarm is a book that chills the spine, yes, but also meditates on the now

33. "Causerie" which meditates more broadly on the novelist's life, and on his relations with contemporary writers

34. I popped the lot and tried my hardest to meditate.

35. Yeah, well, some people meditate, some people get massages.

36. Binaural beats can help you relax, meditate, sleep, or even concentrate

37. Everyone shall take time to is alone, to prioritize and meditate.

38. Every morning I like to meditate for 20 minutes.

39. (b) After meditating on Jesus’ illustration, what are you determined to do?

40. "Bloodwarm is a book that chills the spine, yes, but also meditates on the now

41. Cogitate definition, to think hard; ponder; meditate: to Cogitate about a problem

42. When you get quiet and meditate about them, how do you feel?

43. Cogitate definition is - to ponder or meditate on usually intently

44. I try to meditate for half an hour every evening.

45. Here, the - 0. 5 is the full standard deviation of a meditator who meditated on compassion.

46. Bodhisattva Shakyamuni Meditating Buddha on Lotus Throne With Fire Sun Disc

47. By meditating, I try to Attune myself to the greater cosmos

48. Instead, we should meditate on reassuring words about Jehovah’s enduring love for us.

49. Moreover, death caused by poisoning, the most pre-meditated of all murders, was exempted from liability to capital punishment.

50. Synonyms for Brooded on include cogitated, considered, contemplated, deliberated, meditated, pondered, ruminated, mulled over, mused and reflected

51. In the privacy of their heart, they thought appreciatively, or meditated, on Jehovah and his great name.

52. Undisturbed, possibly in his roof chamber, he no doubt meditated deeply on the meaning of such passages.

53. He spent his time reading, meditating, attending church, gardening, hunting, and in amateur photography.

54. Whether she is meditating on the meaning of words (see: Bloodripe: peelsour

55. Why can meditating on Psalm 19:7 help you to serve Jehovah?

56. (b) Meditating on what scriptures can help us to abhor sexual immorality?

57. I come in here for a few moments every day to meditate and remember.

58. Give an example. (b) How can meditating on the yeartext selected for 2019 help us?

59. Crepitate •lactate, tractate •apartheid • peltate • edentate •testate • dictate • meditate • agitate •vegetate • interdigitate •cogitate

60. Then we play the theme music of his films here, and meditate.

61. For example, when reading Psalm 106, quoted above in part, meditate on Jehovah’s qualities.

62. Of what benefit is it to meditate on what you read in the Bible?

63. Contemplate definition is - to view or consider with continued attention : meditate on

64. These quiet, solitary times allow me to meditate on Jehovah’s marvelous provisions.

65. That's when I try to meditate or do some deep-breathing exercises.

66. They may research their options, meditate on their findings and, likely, ask for advice.

67. Marlborough was much Chagrined at being interrupted in his meditated decisive operations by the States-General, on this occasion

68. What things might Jesus meditate on during his 40 days in the wilderness?

69. But after meditating on the cited scriptures, you will likely see the wisdom of Jehovah’s laws.

70. I'm not saying you need to learn to meditate or take up yoga.

71. Malachi specifically stated that we must ‘fear Jehovah and meditate on his name.’

72. The daily cowherd reads, weary when also arrives the Buddha incense pavilion study to meditate.

73. Bethink definition: to cause (oneself) to consider or meditate Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples

74. Do I meditate on the consequences of acting on wrong desires? —Proverbs 22:3.

75. Meditating on 2 Peter 2:11 and on personal counsel from the elders made a big difference.”

76. Bodhgaya is where the wandering prince Siddhartha sat under a Bodhi Tree to meditate

77. I wish that all Backslidden professing Christians would meditate on Revelation 2:4-5

78. Join the millions of people meditating with Abide, including Grammy award winning singers, church leaders

79. 4 By the bye, Charles, are you really serious in meditating a dance at Netherfield?

80. 2 We dubbed this plating the Tabula Rasa: Enjoy your morsel, meditate on the white space.